Sharing Grace Ministry formerly known as TV Ministry...
Livestreaming our Worship Services
Our Worship Services are broadcast live on Sundays at 10:00am during summer or 10:45am during September-June. All Worship Services can be watched on this webpage or at our YouTube Channelor our Facebook Page.
This page is dedicated to the memory of: Myron V. "Mike" Ziegler
1945 - 1997 Mike was a dedicated and talented volunteer for many years and In Memory of our Friend Robert P. "Bob" Teifer Founder, Producer/Director: Inception, January 31, 1982 to May 22, 1995
Sharing Grace Ministry servants needed
The Sharing Grace Ministry needs servants. We need directors, PowerPoint and sound board operators. Please speak to John McCullough or call the church office at 677-3013.
Sharing Grace Ministry Servants
TV Ministry Chairperson: John McCullough
Producers/Directors: Bill Lamberton John McCullough
Audio: Cindy Fultz Bill Lamberton Brent Mader John McCullough Mark Motter Rob Ziegler
Electronic Graphics: Kim Bridge Rodney Campbell, Jr. John McCullough Leeann McCullough Mark Motter Chris Salvo
Our Worship Services are ONLINE
Our Worship Services are broadcast live every Sundays at 10:45am at this link on our website, on our YouTube Channel, or on our Facebook Page. You can also see an archive of all our recent worship services and watch any service you want at this link.
Serving the Local Community for Over 30 years
For more than 30 years, Grace Church TV Ministry broadcasted the Sunday morning services each week on our local cable channel. Sadly, the local access TV station no longer broadcasts any content.
This ministry is very important, especially to members of our community who are unable to get out of their homes and attend a church service.
If you or anyone you know is interested in reviving the local access TV Channel, please contact John McCullough or call the church office at (814) 677-3013.
If you are led to aid the Sharing Grace Ministry and would like to help to upgrade the equipment, donations would be appreciated. Simply mark “TV Ministry” or "Sharing Grace Ministry" on your envelopes or send a check made out to Grace Church with the words “TV Ministry” in the memo line. You can also make memorial donations in memory of a loved one and designate it for TV Ministry.
Thank you for helping us to continue with this worthwhile ministry that reaches out to both members of the Grace Church family and to the local community.