May 7, 2020 National Day of Prayer
Click here for the Prayer Document.
Dear Council Members,
Thursday, May 7 is the National Day of Prayer. This year no community events have been planned because of the Covid-19 meeting restrictions. However, I have planned a Zoom meeting so we can pray together as Grace UM Church. The prayer meeting is Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. If you have Zoom on your computer, simply click on the link below and follow any prompts. If you don’t have Zoom you can easily download it. Enter “Zoom download” in your search engine, click to download, and follow the prompts. This process may take several minutes so you might want to set up Zoom before the meeting starts. Once you have Zoom download, come back to this email and click on the link below, then follow the prompts. I’ve attached some information to help you prepare. I would like you to think about who, or what you want to pray for. Write out your own brief prayer that you can share with the rest of us. You may recognize a need or a person or group who are in need of our prayer that others of us will overlook. Please be prepared to help us include those people. We will have only 40 minutes to meet so being prepared will help us make the most of our time together. I will be inviting council, and committee members, Sunday School classes etc. I am also going to ask Leeann to post this info on our website. If you would like someone in the congregation who may not have received an invitation, you can forward this to them. Please join us as we pray for our nation on May 7 at 7:00 p.m. Thanks, Pastor Byron Byron Myers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: National Day of Prayer Event Grace UMC Oil City Time: May 7, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 710 3909 0454 Password: 4DJyfq |